Biomethrics Study of the Upper and Lower Labial Artery in Human Cadavers

Torres, PA; Galdames, IS; Lopez, MC; Pazos, JT; Gallardo, CC


The face is richly vascularizad by various branches of the facial artery. Among them are the upper and lower lips branches irrigate the lips and cheeks. The purpose of this study was to analyze the biometric characteristics of labials arteries of human corpses.It disected 18 human midfaces, preserved on the basis of formalin and the arterial system repleted with red latex. It noted the trail of the facial artery and the presence of the upper and lower labial arteries. Anatomical fixed points were established to measure the distribution pattern of facial artery in the facial region and the origin and route of the upper and lower labial arteries. Of the 18 analyzed samples, 100% labial arteries presented an independent origin of the artery facial with an average distance 36.61mm (SD 8.51) between them. The upper labial artery originated on the oral angle and lower labial artery basilar closest to the edge of the jaw. The values obtained reported a wide variation in the origin and behavior of the upper and lower labial artery.

Más información

Título según WOS: Biomethrics Study of the Upper and Lower Labial Artery in Human Cadavers
Título según SCOPUS: Biomethrics study of the upper and lower labial artery in human cadavers Estudio biométrico de las arterias labiales superiores e inferiores en cadáveres humanos
Título según SCIELO: Biomethrics Study of the Upper and Lower Labial Artery in Human Cadavers
Título de la Revista: International Journal of Morphology
Volumen: 26
Número: 3
Editorial: Dr. Mariano Del Sol. Universidad de la Frontera, Chile.
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Página de inicio: 573
Página final: 576
Idioma: eng
