A class of Potentials for Hyperbolic Transcendental Entire Maps

I. Inoquio-Renteria

Keywords: Thermodynamic Formalism, Entire Transcendental Functions, Tame Potentials


We identify a class of transcendental entire maps of finite order, of disjoint-type, satisfying the rapid derivative growth condition. Within this class, we show that there exist hyperbolic transcendental entire maps that generate a large class of potentials which intersect the so-called tame potentials and form a distinct class of potentials. The methods and techniques derived from the thermodynamic formalism are applied to these potentials for transcendental entire maps acting on some subset of the Julia set which is conjugated to the shift map over a code space with a countable alphabet endowed with the euclidean induced metric on the complex plane.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Advances in Pure Mathematics,
Volumen: 13
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 483
Página final: 494
Idioma: English
URL: doi: 10.4236/apm.2023.138032.