Influence of Rangeland Land Cover on Infiltration Rates, Field-Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, and Soil Water Repellency in Southern Patagonia

Glucevic-Almonacid, Cinthya; Bahamonde-Vidal, Lorena

Keywords: southern patagonia, land cover, rangeland, Field-saturated hydraulic conductivity, Infiltration rates, Soil water repellency


This study investigated the influence of rangeland land cover on infiltration rates (IRs), field-saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs), and soil water repellency in Patagonia. Four land cover types (shrubs, dwarf heath shrubs, bare soil, and Inter tussock) were examined to assess their effects on hydrological processes. IR was measured using the single-ring method, and soil water repellency was evaluated using the Beerkan method. We hypothesized that land cover type affects IR, Kfs, and soil water repellency. The results showed significant variations in IRs among land covers, with Tsf displaying lower rates than the other covers. Soil water repellency was prevalent in shrub and dwarf heath shrub−covered soils. Lateral flow was observed, indicating limited water infiltration. The obtained Kfs values were higher than the calculated hydraulic conductivity values (Ks). However, further investigation is required to assess the impact of capillarity (i.e., α*) on Kfs determination. This study enhances our understanding of hydrological processes in rangeland ecosystems and provides valuable insight into land management practices. By elucidating the relationships among land cover, IR, Kfs, and soil water repellency, this study contributes to sustainable water resource management in arid and semiarid regions.

Más información

Volumen: 90
Editorial: Elsevier
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 92
Página final: 100
Idioma: Inglés
Financiamiento/Sponsor: FONDEF ID20I10338 granted to S. Radic-Schilling. P. Hervé-Fernández received an ANID Subsidy for Academic Installation call 2022 8522012.
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