Design of Assessment System for Learning Outcomes and Competences in Engineering Programs

Ateaga, N.; Hermosilla P.; Munoz-La Rivera, Felipe

Keywords: monitoring system, competency-based education, Learning outcomes, engineeringeducation


Universities must focus the training process of their students to integrate theoreticaland scientific rigor and academic exigency with the requirements of the work environment.Competency-based curricular designs have been consolidated to integrate knowledge, practices,and attitudes, with a focus on achieving significant learning. Because of this, the monitoring andevaluation of competencies and learning outcomes is relevant to meet these objectives. Theprocesses of continuous improvement and quality assurance focus on these monitoring andevaluation systems. However, despite the relevance of this, in university practice, evaluations donot directly consider the monitoring of learning outcomes and competencies. Because of this,this research proposes the Design of Assessment System for Learning Outcomes andCompetences in Engineering Programs, to know the progress and achievement obtained bystudents in this perspective.

Más información

Título de la Revista: SOLID STATE TECHNOLOGY
Volumen: 63(1)
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 886
Página final: 896
Idioma: inglés
Notas: WOS