Protocol for extracting live blastoderm cells from embryos of annual killifish

Vásquez-Sepúlveda, Sebastian; Guerrero, Nestor; Lemus, Carmen Gloria; Lemus, Constanza; Meynard, Margarita; CERDA-VILLABLANCA, MAURICIO DAVID; Concha, Miguel Luis; Concha, Mateo; Bertocchi, Cristina; Ravasio, Andrea

Keywords: developmental biology, Cell isolation, Model Organisms


The implementation of in vitro approaches using undifferentiated embryonic cells from annual killifish to complement existing in vivo developmental studies has been hindered by a lack of efficient isolation techniques. Here, we present a protocol to isolate annual killifish blastoderm cells, at the epiboly and early dispersion phase, from embryos. We describe steps for hair removal, embryo cleaning, dechorionation, and cell purification. This protocol may also be used to develop strategies to isolate cells from embryos presenting similar challenges.

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Volumen: 4
Número: 3
Fecha de publicación: 2023
