Techno-economic evaluation of a vehicle to home and time of use tariff scheme to promote the adoption of electric vehicles in Chile

Ricardo León Cifuentes; Gonzalo Carvajal G.; Guillermo Ramirez A.; Ernesto Guerra

Keywords: Electric vehicle (EV)Time of use (TOU) tariffVehicle to home (V2H)


Despite the accelerated adoption of the Electric Vehicle (EV) on a global scale, Chile reports a marginal adoption among non-commercial users of passenger cars (NCUPC), which can be attributed to the lack of subsidies to cover the upfront cost of EVs. This paper proposes and evaluates a strategy that integrates a Time-of-Use (TOU) tariff with Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) operation to promote EV adoption without requiring subsidies or significant investments in grid infrastructure. The study uses technical data to estimate residential electric consumption patterns, battery charging/discharging profiles, and operating conditions of V2H, considering different scenarios to calculate economic metrics using a differential cash flow. The annual traveled distance is used as a metric for comparative analysis, being captured for each scenario when the Internal Return Rate (IRR) equals the 7% discount rate that defines the economic balance. Results show that integrating TOU and V2H reduces the annual traveled distance required to get economic balance by up to 13% compared with the current scenario. Moreover, when considering plausible forecasts of gas and EV upfront cost, the annual traveled distance can be further reduced by up to 31.6% and 50%, respectively, making EVs economically viable for a broader range of current users of combustion vehicles.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Elsevier logo Journals & Books Go to journal home page - Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Volumen: 60
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 2
Página final: 10
Idioma: ingles
Financiamiento/Sponsor: This work was funded by Chile’s ANID through Fondo Especial Ingeniería 2030 para la Adquisición de Equipamiento Científico Tecnológico de la Facultad de Ingeniería UCSC, project ING222010004 and by Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción through p