Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium and isothermal surface tension for hexane plus cyclopentyl methyl ether binary mixture: Experimental determinations and theoretical predictions


This work reports the measurements and the theoretical predictions of the vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) at the isobaric conditions of 50, 75, and 94 kPa and over the temperature range from 332 K to 372 K and the surface tensions (ST) at atmospheric pressure (101.3 kPa) and the isothermal condition of 298.15 K in the whole mole fraction range for the hexane + cyclopentyl methyl ether binary mixture. The experimental determinations of VLE are carried out in a dynamic all-glass Guillespie type cell, where both vapor and liquid phases are circulating. The ST measurements are obtained from a maximum differential bubble pressure tensiometer. The theoretical predictions of VLE and ST are carried out by applying the square gradient theory to the Peng-Robinson Stryjek-Vera equation of state, appropriately extended to mixtures with a modified Huron-Vidal mixing rule, where the excess Gibbs energy is obtained from classical models whose parameters are obtained from the VLE data reported here.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000542075600006 Not found in local WOS DB
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Título de la Revista: FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA
Volumen: 520
Editorial: Elsevier
Fecha de publicación: 2020
