• Magneto-centrifugal flotation cell for concentrating materials which reduces water consumption and method of use

Montes-Atenas G.; Casali, A.

Keywords: Mineral processing, flotation


The invention relates to a magneto-centrifugal flotation cell for ore concentration which reduces water consumption. A disadvantage of conventional flotation cells is the use of a large amount of water, some flotation cells requiring at least 60% water. The present invention uses ore pulp with increased density and viscosity, owing to the application of an axial magnetic field, wherein the Lorentz force, which is the force exerted by an electromagnetic field that receives a charged particle or an electrical current, can be used. The solution is a cell which, in addition to the forces that usually act on conventional flotation cells, uses external forces which, in principle, produce synergy in the separation of ore particles that have different gravitational and magnetic properties.

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Fecha de publicación: 2022
URL: https://investigadores.anid.cl/es/profile/publications/show_3?u=1