A fructiferous dialogue between systems theory and phenomenology: The theorical and empirical proposal of the housing system Un diálogo fructífero entre teoría de sistemas y fenomenología: La propuesta teórico-empírica del sistema vivienda

Campos-Medina, Fernando; Ojeda Pereira, Ivan


At the end of 20th century was developed a theoretical-methodological perspective in Chile – where systems theory and phenomenology converge–to conceptualize and research residential habitats. We propose that systems theory contributed with the system/environment semantics to the definition of levels and dimensions of the so-called housing system (i.e. residentials or habitats systems) in the proposal developed by the Instituto de la Vivienda of the Universidad de Chile. This proposal was conceptually opened to the notion of ‘place’, which is a key reference to the architecture theory. This article concludes by describing the theoretical basis of the notion of ‘experience of inhabiting houses’ and highlighting its compatibility with systems theory.

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Título según SCOPUS: ID SCOPUS_ID:85112645850 Not found in local SCOPUS DB
Título de la Revista: Revista Mad
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 45
Página final: 55
