Predictive Control with Current-Based Maximum Power Point-Tracking for On-Grid Photovoltaic Applications

Munoz, Carlos; Rivera, marco; Villalon, Ariel; Baier, Carlos R.; Munoz, Javier; Ramirez, Roberto O.; Wheeler, Patrick


The high increase of renewable energy sources and the increment of distributed generation in the electrical grid has made them complex and of variable parameters, causing potential stability problems to the PI controllers. In this document, a control strategy for power injection to the electrical system from photovoltaic plants through a voltage source inverter two-level-type (VSI-2L) converter is proposed. The algorithm combines a current-based maximum power point-tracking (Current-Based MPPT) with model predictive control (MPC) strategy, allowing avoidance of the use of PI controllers and lowering of the dependence of high-capacitive value condensers. The sections of this paper describe the parts of the system, control algorithms, and simulated and experimental results that allow observation of the behavior of the proposed strategy.

Más información

Título según WOS: Predictive Control with Current-Based Maximum Power Point-Tracking for On-Grid Photovoltaic Applications
Título de la Revista: Sustainability
Volumen: 13
Número: 6
Editorial: MDPI
Fecha de publicación: 2021


Notas: ISI