Acute Thalamic Ischemic Stroke in an Older Patient Newly Vaccinated with COVID-19 Vaccine Based on Adenoviral Vectors

Mesa-Gamarra, Kelly; Pineda-Paternina, Mario; Castillo, Edgar; Camargo, Loida; Pabón, Alexander; Herrera-Pino, Jorge; Caldichoury, Nicole; Gargiulo, Pascual A.; Flórez, Yuliana; López, Norman

Keywords: COVID-19, Ischemic stoke, vaccinated


Introduction Recent reports have shown several cases of cerebrovascular events after vaccination against COVID-19. The effects have been described mainly in women within the first two weeks of receiving the vaccine. Clinical Case We describe here the first Colombian case of a cerebrovascular event after vaccination against COVID-19 in a 67-year-old woman with a vascular history. Four days after application of the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine, she exhibited deviation of the labial commissure, ipsilateral ptosis, and limitation of march with lateralization. The event was associated with a subacute ischemic event in the right thalamus in parasagittal situation, changes in chronic ischemic microangiopathy of small vessels, and vascular crossing in the right cerebellar angle, without other alternative causes. Conclusion The development and rapid use of vaccines has allowed the hospitalization and mortality statistics associated with COVID-19 to be reduced, but at the same time, it has generated concern about the potential side effects, generating controversy among the general population, especially in individuals with cardiovascular diseases. In our case, we provided evidence for the discussion of potential cerebrovascular events related to the application of vaccines in older people with a history of cerebrovascular diseases. This was done in order to analyze and control in subsequent studies the modulation of medical history on the likely effects of vaccination. However, despite the unavoidable side effects, the benefits of vaccination are superior.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience (ICN)
Volumen: 19
Número: 4-6
Editorial: Matrix Medical Communications
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Página de inicio: 48
Página final: 50
Idioma: Inglés