Departamento Salud Materno-Infantil. Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad de Concepción. Región Biobío (Concepción). Chile Características sociodemográficas, condiciones de trabajo y de salud de los conductores de autobuses chilenos

Suazo, Sandra Valenzuela; Campo, Varinia Alejandra Rodríguez; Del Tránsito Jara Concha, Patricia; Guerra, Elena Belén Sepúlveda


Objective: to describe the sociodemographic characteristics, work and health conditions of Chilean bus drivers. Method: a cross-sectional descriptive design. The study population were the bus drivers from the city of Chile. Cluster probability sampling was conducted A 144-subject sample was required The questionnaire was applied during working hours, and collected sociodemographic variables, as well as working and health conditions of the drivers. Descriptive analysis was used Results: 100% were male, with a mean age (SD) of 41 years (12.09). There was a prevalence of subjects with 9-12 years of education (middle level) (73.6%, n= 106). The majority had indefinite employmen t con tracts (66.7%,n= 96), and 90.3%(n= 130) had a monthly income below 828 dollars (660 thousand Chilean pesos). 51,4% (n= 74) had> 21 -year work experience. 20.8% (n= 30) presented hypertension and 81.9% (n= 118) led a sedentary life 41% (n= 59) admitted smoking every day, and 62.5 (n= 90) drank alcohol. Negative working conditions prevailed: extra working hours (75%, n = 1 08), high level ofnoise (72.9%, n= 105), verbal abuse (61.8%, n= 89) and physical assault (53.5%, n= 77). 85.4% (n= 123) of the sample reported that they had never or seldom received training courses in order to improve their work activity (gualification). Conclusión: the sociodemographic characteristics of drivers, as well as their health and working conditions, place them as high-risk population for certain cardiovascular diseases, as well asforpotential traffic accidents.

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Volumen: 23
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 24
Página final: 31
