Philosophies, theories, and models used in occupational health nursing Filosofías, teorías y modelos utilizados en la enfermería del trabajo

Valencia-Contrera, Miguel; Rojas, Flérida Rivera; Villa-Velásquez, Jenifer; Ardiles-Irarrázabal, Rodrigo; Febre, Naldy V.; Suazo, Sandra Valenzuela

Keywords: Philosophy nursing, Nursing Theory, models nursing, Occupational Health Nursing, Nursing research,


No studies have been identified that address theoretical frameworks to guide the work of occupational health nursing. This integrative review aimed to identify nursing philosophies, theories and conceptual models applied in occupational health nursing. The search conducted in the WoS, PubMed, SCOPUS, BVS and CINAHL databases, analyzing 2974 manuscripts, applying filters, inclusion, and exclusion criteria previously defined, the final sample was composed of 17 articles. Of the selected studies, no philosophies were identified in the area, 1 manuscript corresponded to a theory and the remaining 16 were conceptual models. Regarding the topics, 2 papers were focused on environmental health, 3 addressed the client as a worker and 12 analyzed nursing as a worker; highlighting mainly emerging models, with a diminished development, as these were rescued mainly through the original publications of the authors and no uses were identified in other manuscripts. The identified theoretical frameworks will allow guiding the approach to health situations in occupational nursing. It was possible to distinguish developed areas, mainly associated with the formation, vision, role, orientation, and well-being of occupational health nursing, while the approach to the client as a worker and environmental health were only minimally addressed, being considered as knowledge gaps.

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Título según SCOPUS: ID SCOPUS_ID:85165485306 Not found in local SCOPUS DB
Volumen: 3
Fecha de publicación: 2023
