Assistive technologies for rehabilitation and inclusion. Recommendations for treatment of children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders

Cubillos-Bravo, Rodrigo; Avello Saez, Daniela Margot


Neurodevelopmental disorders have a great diversity among them, generating functional difficulties and disabilities which may require tecnological assistance. Currently, however, only 1 out of 10 people who need this assistance, have access to it. These assistive technologies are defined as any product, equipment, software, or technology adapted or specially designed to maintain or increase the functional capabilities of children and adolescents with disabilities, becoming a facilitator for participation in daily activities in educational, play, and family contexts. This generates opportunities for the improvement of processing, communication, and interaction skills, making these tecnologies nowadays, fundamental tools in inclusion processes. Different types of assistive technologies are available, depending on their nature, technological level, and operation logic. This article comments a range of technologies that can be used in the clinic, such as information technologies, augmentative alternative communication systems, music technology devices, virtual reality, serious games, smart watches, electronic boards and Kinect, which have scientific evidence of their effectiveness in people with neurodevelopmental disorders.

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Volumen: 33
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Página de inicio: 604
Página final: 614
