Proposal for a predictive model of injury risk based on anatomical and functional descriptors that are related to knee and ankle joint instability in non-professional basketball players Propuesta de modelo predictivo de riesgo de lesión en base a descriptores anatómicos y funcionales que se relacionan con la inestabilidad articular en rodilla y tobillo en jugadores de baloncesto no profesionales

San Martín Barra, Claudio Mauricio; Cabezas, Germán Rojas; Gajardo, Jennifer Troc


Objective: To establish a predictive model of injury risk based on anatomical and functional descriptors with knee and ankle joint instability in non-professional basketball players. Design and participants: Non-experimental, descriptive cross-sectional study, directed sampling; 44 university subjects of both sexes, 27 men (61.4%) and 17 women (38.6%) were evaluated; non-professional basketball players aged between 18 - 26 years (22 ± 3.2), belonging to the sports branch of university basketball in Chile. Results: a) (p = .000) Valgus knee stress establishes a significant association with postural angle in the knee and ankle and functional variables of take off; level of discrimination based model 82% (CC = .820). b) (p = .000) Valgus ankle stress establishes a significant association with the knee and ankle angle, functional variables of take off; level of discrimination based on model 71.3% (CC = .713). c) (p = .000) General risk establishes a significant association with the knee angle, take off and landing functional variables; ankle strategy; level of discrimination of the model 83.5% (CC = .835). Conclusion: There are postural, functional take off and landing factors that are significantly associated with the injury risk of joint instability in non-professional basketball players.

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Título según SCOPUS: ID SCOPUS_ID:85092219573 Not found in local SCOPUS DB
Título de la Revista: Retos
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 257
Página final: 263
