Wintertime Precipitation over the Australian Snowy Mountains: Observations from an Intensive Field Campaign 2018

Ackermann, Luis; Huang, Yi; Siems, Steven; Manton, Michael; Lang, Francisco; Chubb, Thomas; Peace, Andrew; Speirs, Johanna; Suzanne, Kenyon; Protat, Alain; Alexander, Simon P.


Understanding the key dynamical and microphysical mechanisms driving precipitation in the Snowy Mountains region of southeast Australia, including the role of orography, can help improve precipitation forecasts, which is of great value for efficient water management. An intensive observation campaign was carried out during the 2018 austral winter, providing a comprehensive range of ground-based observations across the Snowy Mountains. We used data from three vertically pointing rain radars, cloud radar, a PARSIVEL disdrometer, and a network of 76 pluviometers. The observations reveal that all of the precipitation events were associated with cold front passages. About half accumulated during the frontal passage associated with deep, fully glaciated cloud tops, while the rest occurred in the postfrontal environment and were associated with clouds with supercooled liquid water (SLW) tops. About three-quarters of the accumulated precipitation was observed under blocked conditions, likely associated with blocked stratiform orographic enhancement. Specifically, more than a third of the precipitation resulted from moist cloudless air being lifted over stagnant air, upwind from the barrier, creating SLW-top clouds. These SLW clouds then produced stratiform precipitation mostly over the upwind slopes and mountain tops, with hydrometeors reaching the mountain tops mostly as rimed snow. Two precipitation events were studied in detail, which showed that during unblocked conditions, orographic convection invigoration and unblocked stratiform enhancement were the two main mechanisms driving the precipitation, with the latter being more prevalent after the frontal passage. During these events, ice particle growth was likely dominated by vapor deposition and aggregation during the frontal periods, while riming dominated during the postfrontal periods.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000735971000013 Not found in local WOS DB
Volumen: 22
Número: 8
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 2193
Página final: 2211


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