Poor people's money during times of uncertainty: Uses, meanings and negotiation of monetary aid measures in the pandemic context


--- - This study sought to explore the uses meanings and negotiation that female heads of household from low-income areas gave to the transferred money in the COVID health emergency period. Our specific interest is in the withdrawal of 10% of pension funds and the Emergency Family Income (IFE) due to the monetary relevance of both programs. Based on a 10th-month follow-up of 14 female heads of household from low-income areas of Santiago, Chile, this qualitative study examines how the participating women "mark," in Zelizer's sense, the money they received. Thus, we seek to account for how, based on the source of money, its forms of access and the amounts received, women determine how to use it and assign meaning to its value. - Cette etude a cherche a explorer les usages, les significations et les negociations que les femmes chefs de famille des zones a faibles revenus ont donne a l'argent transfere pendant la periode d'urgence sanitaire COVID. Nous interessons plus particulierement au retrait de 10% des fonds de pension et au revenu familial d'urgence (IFE) en raison de l'importance monetaire de ces deux programmes. Basee sur un suivi de dix mois de 14 femmes chefs de famille issues de quartiers defavorises de Santiago du Chili, cette etude qualitative examine la maniere dont les femmes participantes "marquent", au sens de Zelizer, l'argent qu'elles ont recu. Ainsi, nous cherchons a expliquer comment, en fonction de la source de l'argent, de ses formes d'acces et des montants recus, les femmes determinent comment l'utiliser et attribuent une signification a sa valeur.

Más información

Título según WOS: Poor people's money during times of uncertainty: Uses, meanings and negotiation of monetary aid measures in the pandemic context
Editorial: Wiley
Fecha de publicación: 2024


Notas: ISI