Generalized Switch-Control Scheme for a Family of T-Type DAB GaN-based DC-DC Converters in EV Powertrain Applications

Stowhas-Villa, Alejandro; Carmona, Ronald; Rojas, Christian A.; Wilson-Veas, Alan H.; Marin, Jorge


A switch-control scheme is presented in this paper, which is generalized for a T-type Dual Active Bridge (DAB) GaN-based DC-DC converter family. The key novelty of this modu-lation scheme lies in its ability to iterate among different DAB converters topologies without the need to modify the modulation scheme itself, only by changing the angles that determine the voltage level widths of the converter. This document provides a detailed explanation of the modulation scheme, dividing it into two stages: the generation of the signal to be compared with the carriers and the state machine that determines the switching signals of the system. In the paper, the operation of the switch-control scheme using a generalized five-level voltage waveform is illustrated, showcasing all the signals used to generate it. Finally, the power converters that can be generated with the proposed scheme are evaluated, along with their respective output voltage levels.

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Fecha de publicación: 2023
