Sustainable development goals assessment in supply chain design from an operation research perspective: Social, governmental, and technological aspects



There is an exponential increase in research seeking sustainability in the supply chain design since 2010, emerging the called sustainable supply chain design (SSCD). Furthermore, new approaches consider sustainability integrates governmental and technological aspects to the classic assessment including economic, environmental, and social dimensions. This research tendency has implied a broad and diverse set of metrics and resolution method approaches to address each sustainability dimension in the search for an optimal design. This implies new significant problems to be considered. It implies several possible metrics combinations for the SSCD since there is no agreement among researchers on which metrics represent better, or to a greater extent, each sustainability dimension sustainability and even how to depict the concept of sustainability itself in the supply chain design. Considering the new approaches and social dimension is underrepresented in the majority of literature cases, we want to contribute the understanding of how social, governmental, and technological dimensions have been assessed in optimal SSCD. Our proposal is based on an extensive literature review from a total of 541 analyzed articles, which allows us to represent and identify the different metrics. We distinguish nineteen metrics from the different sustainability dimensions.

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Fecha de publicación: 2022
