Precopulatory guarding-time of the male amphipod Eogammarus oclairi: Effect of population structure

Iribarne, O; Fernandez, M; Armstrong, D


This study shows that population structure affects guarding time in the amphipod Eogammarus oclairi Bousfield. In the laboratory, mean guarding time depended on the male weight-frequency distribution, operational sex ratio, and male density. It was longer when the male population encompassed a broad range of weights than when the weight distribution was narrower; however, guarding time did not differ when the population's weight distribution was narrow and composed of either small or large males. Mean guarding time varied between a few hours when the operational sex ratio (male:female) was 1.3 to > 7d when the sex ratio was 2:1. It was also affected by male density, increasing as male density increased. The results suggest that the stimulus to guard depends on the intensity of male-male competition.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:A1995TM30100007 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: MARINE BIOLOGY
Volumen: 124
Número: 2
Fecha de publicación: 1995
Página de inicio: 219
Página final: 223
Notas: ISI