Ultrahigh-precision noble gas isotope analyses reveal pervasive subsurface fractionation in hydrothermal systems

Bekaert, David V.; Barry, Peter H.; Broadley, Michael W.; Byrne, David J.; Marty, Bernard; Ramirez, Carlos J.; de Moor, J. Maarten; Rodriguez, Alejandro; Hudak, Michael R.; Subhas, Adam V.; Halldorsson, Saemundur A.; Stefansson, Andri; Caracausi, Antonio; Lloyd, Karen G.; Giovannelli, Donato; et. al.


Mantle-derived noble gases in volcanic gases are powerful tracers of terrestrial volatile evolution, as they contain mixtures of both primordial (from Earth's accretion) and secondary (e.g., radiogenic) isotope signals that characterize the composition of deep Earth. However, volcanic gases emitted through subaerial hydrother-mal systems also contain contributions from shallow reservoirs (groundwater, crust, atmosphere). Deconvolving deep and shallow source signals is critical for robust interpretations of mantle-derived signals. Here, we use a novel dynamic mass spectrometry technique to measure argon, krypton, and xenon isotopes in volcanic gas with ultrahigh precision. Data from Iceland, Germany, United States (Yellowstone, Salton Sea), Costa Rica, and Chile show that subsurface isotope fractionation within hydrothermal systems is a globally pervasive and previously unrecognized process causing substantial nonradiogenic Ar-Kr-Xe isotope variations. Quantita-tively accounting for this process is vital for accurately interpreting mantle-derived volatile (e.g., noble gas and nitrogen) signals, with profound implications for our understanding of terrestrial volatile evolution.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000986115100013 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: SCIENCE ADVANCES
Volumen: 9
Número: 15
Fecha de publicación: 2023


Notas: ISI