Fatigue and conformist traits in the performance of young swimmers

Nunez-Espinosa, Cristian; Herrera Valenzuela T; Valdes Badilla P.; Estrada Goic, Claudia

Keywords: heart rate variability, Sports performance, State of fatigue, Personality trait


Objective: Determine the relationship between the fatigue of adolescent swimmers in high-level competitions during two continuous periods of maximum performance and the degree that swimmers conform to norms during these periods. Methods: We evaluated the conformist trait and three areas of fatigue in two consecutive competitive periods, in 25 young elite swimmers. The measures were evaluated before (_B) and after (_A) of pre (t1; t3) and pos (t2; t4) competition in each period. Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory was applied for identifies the more adherens (AD; n=12) or detached from the norm (DN; n=13) conformist traits. Wingate test, Heart rate variability (RMSSD; SDNN), WISC-V, and Stroop test were evaluated. Results: DN group present lower fatigue in t1 but an increase in t2, t3, and t4. AN present higher RMSSD_B and SDNN_B in t1. In t3, the mental fatigue of DN was correlated negatively with RMSSD_B; SDNN_B. Both groups had more SDNN_B than SDNN_A in t4. Conclusions: Physical fatigue was an important conditiong in both groups, however, the DN group may be more sensitive to physiological and mental fatigue directly affecting the sports performance.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte
Volumen: 14
Número: 3
Editorial: Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Idioma: Español