Delimiting coastal zones for integrated management: The case of the island and the sea of Chiloé (Chile)

Vásquez F.; Barragan, JM; Ther-Rios, F.

Keywords: boundaries, coastal area, ICZM, Coastal policy, Island management


A delimitation of coastal areas based on an integrated approach has not yet been proposed in Chile. In response, the objective of this research is to propose a definition of coastal zones on a subregional scale, specifically in the archipelagic environment of the island and the sea of Chiloé, a highly unique geographic area where most globally observable coastal dilemmas converge. The methodology used, which is based on the Integrated Coastal Zone Management’s (ICZM) principles, consisted of the analysis of multiple criteria grouped into five typologies: ecological, socioeconomic, cultural, political-administrative, and arbitrary. It is therefore the first delimitation of these characteristics proposed not just for the far south of Chile, but for the entire country. The coastal area that was delimited and mapped exceeds the conventional borders of the provincial district of Chiloé. The totality of islands and the inland sea has been included, in addition to other continental and open sea areas. The results have been divided into the four aspects of the field to achieve a more detailed justification of the suggested criteria. This example could serve as the study object for a future ICZM Program in Chiloé , an instrument that has not been developed to date. In addition, considering the territorial complexity that characterizes the archipelagic environment studied, the methodological proposal could be repeated in other coastal areas in the country

Más información

Título de la Revista: MARINE POLICY
Volumen: 150
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Notas: WOS