Biodegradable polymer blend nanocomposites for energy storage application

John Amalraj, Pandian Lakshmanan, Chellachamy Anbalagan Amarnath, Radha D Pyarasani, Chandrasekaran Saravanan; Sabu Thomas, A.R. Ajitha and Maciej Jaroszewski


Biodegradable natural/synthetic polymer blends/composites have been applied as energy materials for electrodes, electrolytes, separators, and binders in different types of supercapacitors. Among various types of materials, biosource derived carbon-containing electrodes have shown the best results with respect to specific capacitance. The high surface area and heteroatom doping level have accounted for the observed high specific capacitance. Compared to natural polymer-based composites/blends, the synthetic polymer-based materials have exhibited better specific capacitance. Among the natural polymers, cellulose and chitosan composites/blends have exhibited promising performance. The retention values obtained after cycling tests from biosource-derived carbon materials are better than those of both natural and synthetic polymers. This chapter analyzes the synthesis, characterization, and performance of different types of biodegradable polymer blends and composites.

Más información

Editorial: Elsevier
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 175
Página final: 202
Idioma: English
Financiamiento/Sponsor: ANID