Saber práctico desarrollado por el personal sanitario desde la experiencia de atención en cuidado espiritual

Nocetti De La Barra A., Fraile , C. , Arenas-Massa, A., Alvarez-Cruces. D.

Keywords: Saber práctico, Práctica reflexiva, Cuidado espiritual, Personas mayores, Oncología


Objective: To know the knowledge about spiritual care that health professionals have developed from the experience of spiritual care for elderly people with cancer, in addition to establishing the conditions that favor this learning. Methods: Qualitative descriptive study, with an intrinsic case study. Twelve health workers participated in semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Results: Practical knowledge in spiritual care is patient-centered and requires the development of communication skills. The facilitating conditions for the construction of practical knowledge have a personal character, which includes disposition and vocation; and institutional, patient diversity and learning by modeling. Conclusions: This research shows that practical knowledge is built with reflection and professional action. Practical knowledge must be rescued, valued, made explicit and shared so that it translates into a professionalization model with a more pragmatic and ethical nature

Más información

Título de la Revista: Index de Enfermeria
Volumen: 32
Editorial: Ciber Index
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 4484
Página final: 4484
Idioma: Español