Paleohistology of Caraguatypotherium munozi (Mammalia, Notoungulata, Mesotheriidae) from the early late Miocene of northern Chile: A preliminary ontogenetic approach

Campos, Jorge; Montoya-Sanhueza, Germán; Moreno, Karen; Bostelmann Torrealba, Enrique; García Marcelo


The Miocene Caragua fossil fauna in northern Chile contains a considerable number (7) of articulated partial skeletons tentatively assigned to Caraguatypotheriummunozi(Notoungu- lata, Mesotheriidae), which presents up to 40% body size difference. Since either inter- and intra- specific wide size range has been observed in the Mesotheriidae family in general, we wanted explore the ontogenic stage signature of the sample, by carrying out the first com- prehensive paleohistological description of the appendicular system in Notoungulata. Results show that: 1) they can be classified as subadults and adults, based on the presence of bone tissues typical of ceased somatic growth; 2) there is a notorious inter-skeletal varia- tion on bone growth rates (skeletal modularity), particularly, the humerus showed a slower diameter growth and less remodelling than the femur, resulting as a better element for onto- genetic analyses; 3) marked cyclical growth is observed, characterised by fast early onto- genic continuous growth, and subsequent fast/slow stratified bone tissue layering. In general, such growth pattern suggests that C. munozihad a similar ontogenetic growth pro- cess as other modern mammals, that it should also be influenced by other sex-related, eco- logical and environmental factors. Likely related to the presence of rapid climatic variations, due to orogenic uplift and concomitant re-organization of the drainage processes along the western tectonic front of the Central Andes at that time.

Más información

Título de la Revista: PLOS ONE
Volumen: 18(3)
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 1
Página final: 32
Idioma: Inglés
