Effective dark energy through spin-gravity coupling

Otalora, Giovanni; Saridakis, Emmanuel N.


We investigate cosmological scenarios with spin-gravity coupling. In particular, due to the spin of the baryonic and dark matter particles and its coupling to gravity, they probe an effective spin-dependent metric, which can be calculated semi-classically in the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Tulczyjew-Dixon formalism. Hence, the usual field equations give rise to modified Friedmann equations, in which the extra terms can be identified as an effective dark-energy sector. Additionally, we obtain an effective interaction between the matter and dark-energy sectors. In the case where the spin-gravity coupling switches off, we recover standard ΛCDM cosmology. We perform a dynamical system analysis and we find a matter-dominated point that can describe the matter era, and a stable late-time solution corresponding to acceleration and dark-energy domination. For small values of the spin coupling parameter, deviations from ΛCDM concordance scenario are small, however for larger values they can be brought to the desired amount, leading to different dark-energy equation-of-state parameter behavior, as well as to different transition redshift from acceleration to deceleration. Finally, we confront the model predictions with Hubble function data.

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Volumen: 842
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 137970
Página final: 137970
Idioma: English
URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269323003040?via%3Dihub