Merging Multiple Equilibrium Models and Adaptive Cycle Theory in Forest Ecosystems: Implications for Managing Succession

Soto, Daniel P.; Puettmann, Klaus J.


Purpose of Review We review the dynamics of multiple equilibrium models with the adaptive cycle concept and propose a unified theoretical framework. We highlight how the shape of basins of attraction changes along secondary succession and how the shape is influenced by the properties of the adaptive cycle (i.e., potential, connectedness, and resilience) and by ecological traps such as poverty, rigidity, and lock-in. We use degraded forest ecosystems undergoing arrested succession as an example, how the new framework can improve our understanding of restoration and management options. Recent Findings Here, we highlight how the adaptive cycle uses three properties to describe ecosystem dynamics and how this information can be useful for management decisions at the stand level. "Potential" is related to biomass accumulation along succession; "connectedness" to the rigidity of internal control to resist external influences (e.g., disturbances), as quantified by the depth of the basin of attraction; and "resilience" to the ability of ecosystems to stay in a basin of attraction, as determined by the basin width. We integrate these aspects of the adaptive cycle with the basins of attraction model, ecological trap properties, and succession and disturbance concepts into a conceptual framework and highlight the resulting conceptual insights by contrasting forests that follow typical successional development (and associated provision of multiple ecosystem services) and forests that have arrested succession (e.g., degraded forests that do not provide desired ecosystem services). We use restoration practices aimed at overcoming arrested succession as examples how our framework can be downscaled to stand-level conditions. The framework views restoration practices as disturbances of different severities that may modify connectedness and resilience through the manipulation of species composition and the enhancement or constraint of resources (i.e., modifying a desirable basin of attraction by deepening and widening its shape to facilitate typical successional development or vice versa for an undesirable basin). Our review led to a unified theoretical framework. The resulting conceptual basis will improve the general understanding of vegetation development, which is especially important for restoration efforts in novel, no-analog conditions, as expected under global change.

Más información

Título según WOS: Merging Multiple Equilibrium Models and Adaptive Cycle Theory in Forest Ecosystems: Implications for Managing Succession
Volumen: 6
Número: 4
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 282
Página final: 293


Notas: ISI