Geo-Circuit for Interpretation of the Geological Evolution in the Nevados de Chillan Volcanic Complex, Chile

Vidal, Rayen Rivera; Tassara, Andres


Geological heritage is an important part of our natural heritage, and it can be disseminated and preserved through geotourism and geoconservation initiatives. Geotourism involves fostering the conservation of geological heritage through appropriate sustainability measures, promoting a solid conservation of geology through interpretation and education, and finally, generating satisfaction among tourists and visitors. This study focuses on the geoheritage of the Las Trancas Valley, an area characterized by its enormous natural beauty and significant tourism activity, located on the western slope of Nevados de Chillan Volcanic Complex, one of the most hazardous volcanoes in Chile. Using a methodology consisting of quantitative assessment of geological heritage, 16 sites of geological interest (or geosites) were identified, which reflect a history of similar to 22 million years, from Miocene volcanism to the formation of currently active volcanic craters. Besides promoting the education of volcanic hazards in the area, this paper proposes a new category of geoheritage assessment, defined as a geo-circuit, in which geosites are organized in a manner consistent with the chronology of the events that gave rise to the current landscape. This proposal establishes a methodological tool that is potentially useful for geotourism and geo-education purposes.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000978524200001 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: GEOHERITAGE
Volumen: 15
Número: 2
Fecha de publicación: 2023


Notas: ISI