The Effect of Adding CeO2 Nanoparticles to Cu-Ni-Al Alloy for High Temperatures Applications

Martinez, Carola; Arcos, Camila; Briones, Francisco; Machado, Izabel; Sancy, Mamie; Bustamante, Marion


This work presents the effect of CeO2 nanoparticles (CeO2-NPs) on Cu-50Ni-5Al alloys on morphological, microstructural, degradation, and electrochemical behavior at high temperatures. The samples obtained by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering were exposed to a molten eutectic mixture of Li2CO3-K2CO3 for 504 h. The degradation of the materials was analyzed using gravimetry measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Different characterization techniques, such as X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, were used to investigate the phase composition, parameter lattice, and microstructure of Cu-Ni-Al alloys reinforced with CeO2-NPs. The hardness of the composite was also examined using the Vickers hardness test. Gravimetry measurements revealed that the sample with 1 wt.% CeO2-NPs presented the best response to degradation with a less drastic mass variation. Impedance analysis also revealed that by adding 1 wt.% CeO2-NPs, the impedance modulus increased, which is related to a lower porosity of the oxide film or a thicker oxide layer. The microhardness also significantly increased, incorporating 1 wt.% CeO2-NPs, which reduced with higher CeO2-NPs content, which is possibly associated with a more uniform distribution using 1 wt.% CeO2-NPs in the Cu-Ni-Al matrix that avoided the aggregation phenomenon.

Más información

Título según WOS: ID WOS:001152765700001 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: NANOMATERIALS
Volumen: 14
Número: 2
Editorial: MDPI
Fecha de publicación: 2024


Notas: ISI