Unearthing the soil-borne microbiome of land plants

Ochoa-Hueso, Raul; Eldridge, David J.; Berdugo, Miguel; Trivedi, Pankaj; Sokoya, Blessing; Cano-Diaz, Concha; Abades, Sebastian; Alfaro, Fernando; Bamigboye, Adebola R.; Bastida, Felipe; Blanco-Pastor, Jose L.; de los Rios, Asuncion; Duran, Jorge; Geisen, Stefan; Grebenc, Tine; et. al.


--- - Plant-soil biodiversity interactions are fundamental for the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Yet, the existence of a set of globally distributed topsoil microbial and small invertebrate organisms consistently associated with land plants (i.e., their consistent soil-borne microbiome), together with the environmental preferences and functional capabilities of these organisms, remains unknown. We conducted a standardized field survey under 150 species of land plants, including 58 species of bryophytes and 92 of vascular plants, across 124 locations from all continents. We found that, despite the immense biodiversity of soil organisms, the land plants evaluated only shared a small fraction (less than 1%) of all microbial and invertebrate taxa that were present across contrasting climatic and soil conditions and vegetation types. These consistent taxa were dominated by generalist decomposers and phagotrophs and their presence was positively correlated with the abundance of functional genes linked to mineralization. Finally, we showed that crossing environmental thresholds in aridity (aridity index of 0.65, i.e., the transition from mesic to dry ecosystems), soil pH (5.5; i.e., the transition from acidic to strongly acidic soils), and carbon (less than 2%, the lower limit of fertile soils) can result in drastic disruptions in the associations between land plants and soil organisms, with potential implications for the delivery of soil ecosystem processes under ongoing global environmental change. - We studied the soil organisms consistently associated with land plants (vascular plants and mosses) across contrasting climates, soils, and vegetation types. We found a small subset of bacteria, fungi, and protists that defined the consistent soil-borne microbiome of land plants and determined their importance for the functioning of plant-associated soils.image

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:001235985800002 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
Volumen: 30
Número: 5
Editorial: Wiley
Fecha de publicación: 2024


Notas: ISI