A Complex-Valued Stationary Kalman Filter for Positive and Negative Sequence Estimation in DER Systems

Perez-Ibacache R.; Carvajal R.; Herrera-Hernandez, R.; Aguero, Juan C.; Silva, Cesar A.

Keywords: distribution power network, complex-valued Kalman filter, imbalanced loads, positive and negative sequence


In medium- and low-voltage three-phase distribution networks, the load imbalance among the phases may compromise the network voltage symmetry. Inverter-interfaced distributed energy resources (DERs) can contribute to compensating for such imbalances by sharing the required negative sequence current while providing active power synchronized with the positive sequence voltage. However, positive and negative sequences are conventionally defined in a steady state and are not directly observed from the instantaneous voltage and current measurements at the DER unit’s point of connection. In this article, an estimation algorithm for sequence separation based on the Kalman filter is proposed. Furthermore, the proposed filter uses a complex vector representation of the asymmetric three-phase signals in synchronous coordinates to allow for the implementation of the Kalman filter in its stationary form, resulting in a simple dynamic filter able to estimate positive and negative sequences even during transient operation. The proposed stationary complex Kalman filter performs better than state-of-the-art techniques like DSOGI and very similarly to other Kalman filter implementations found in the literature but at a fraction of its computational cost (23.5%).

Más información

Título de la Revista: Mathematics
Volumen: 12
Número: 12
Editorial: MDPI Open Access Publishing
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Página de inicio: 1
Página final: 21
Idioma: English
URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7390/12/12/1899
Notas: WOS