Challenges for a Massive Implementation of Phenomics in Plant Breeding Programs

Lobos, Gustavo A.; Estrada, Félix; del Pozo, Alejandro; Romero-Bravo, Sebastián; Astudillo, Cesar A.; Mora-Poblete, Freddy


Due to climate change and expected food shortage in the coming decades, not only will it be necessary to develop cultivars with greater tolerance to environmental stress, but it is also imperative to reduce breeding cycle time. In addition to yield evaluation, plant breeders resort to many sensory assessments and some others of intermediate complexity. However, to develop cultivars better adapted to current/future constraints, it is necessary to incorporate a new set of traits, such as morphophysiological and physicochemical attributes, information relevant to the successful selection of genotypes or parents. Unfortunately, because of the large number of genotypes to be screened, measurements with conventional equipment are unfeasible, especially under field conditions. High-throughput plant phenotyping (HTPP) facilitates collecting a significant amount of data quickly; however, it is necessary to transform all this information (e.g., plant reflectance) into helpful descriptors to the breeder. To the extent that a holistic characterization of the plant (phenomics) is performed in challenging environments, it will be possible to select the best genotypes (forward phenomics) objectively but also understand why the said individual differs from the rest (reverse phenomics). Unfortunately, several elements had prevented phenomics from developing as desired. Consequently, a new set of prediction/validation methodologies, seasonal ambient information, and the fusion of data matrices (e.g., genotypic and phenotypic information) need to be incorporated into the modeling. In this sense, for the massive implementation of phenomics in plant breeding, it will be essential to count an interdisciplinary team that responds to the urgent need to release material with greater capacity to tolerate environmental stress. Therefore, breeding programs should (i) be more efficient (e.g., early discarding of unsuitable material), (ii) have shorter breeding cycles (fewer crosses to achieve the desired cultivar), and (iii) be more productive, increasing the probability of success at the end of the breeding process (percentage of cultivars released to the number of initial crosses).

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Título según SCOPUS: ID SCOPUS_ID:85135372031 Not found in local SCOPUS DB
Título de la Revista: Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
Volumen: 2539
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Página de inicio: 135
Página final: 157
