The pacific war in the chilean school space: teaching history, discourses and ritual practices, 1879-1929 A Guerra do Pacífico no espaço escolar chileno: Ensino de história, discursos e práticas rituais, 1879-1929 La Guerra del Pacífico en el espacio escolar chileno: Enseñanza de la historia, discursos y prácticas rituales, 1879-1929

Cid, Gabriel; Carrozza, Camilo Fernández; Serrano, Cristóbal Hernández


This article examines the role played by Chilean schools in the reproduction of the imaginary of the War of the Pacific in the decades following the conflict. Examining this process from the perspective of the cultural history of the war, the research studies the nationalist uses of the teaching of the history of the conflict in schools, the circulation of patriotic narratives in the context of the school press and teaching activity and, finally, the part that commemorations associated with the war played in the socialization of patriotic discourse and practices in school audiences.

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Título según SCOPUS: ID SCOPUS_ID:85180509314 Not found in local SCOPUS DB
Volumen: 27
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 347
Página final: 373
