Glacial geomorphology between the Gran Campo Nevado and Estrecho de Magallanes, Chile (52-53°S, 73°W)

Rodriguez, P. C.; Geiger, A. J.; Ferri, L.; Smedley, R. K.; Garcia, J. - L.; Herrera, G.


We present the first extensive high-resolution glacial geomorphic map west of the Andean Cordillera in southernmost Chile (52.8-53.1 degrees S, 73.0-73.9 degrees W). The map extends over 1565 km(2) and is based on high-resolution satellite images and aerial photographs. At selected locations, the remotely mapped geomorphology was corroborated by field observations. The study area is dominated by glacial erosional landforms (77%) over depositional landforms (23%), with published submarine depositional landforms having been included (e.g. moraines). Glacial drift, kettle kame topography and lateral and frontal moraines form the primary depositional landforms and sediment associations. Glacial cirques, wide U-shaped valleys, whalebacks, roches moutonnees and scoured bedrock characterize most of the mapped area. The spatial distribution of whalebacks and roches moutonnees in the study area indicates a lack of lithological control on their formation and a warm-based, dynamic ice velocity and thickness regime during Patagonian Ice Sheet cover and retreat during the last glacial cycle.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000982080300001 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: JOURNAL OF MAPS
Volumen: 19
Número: 1
Fecha de publicación: 2023


Notas: ISI