Global food quality in the migrant population residing in Chile

Hun, Nelson; Urzua, Alfonso; Lopez Espinoza, Antonio; Mora, Ana; Rodriguez Martinez, Tania; Lopez, Angela; Segovia, Claudia


--- - "Introduction: the migration process involves change, modification, or acquisition of new eating patterns and ways of eating, which do not always positively impact the health of migrants, being frequently associated with a higher risk of metabolic diseases and excess malnutrition when the quality of food is not adequate." - "Objective: to analyze the global food quality index (GQI) in the Colombian migrant population in Chile, comparing it with the Chilean population and non-migrant Colombians." - "Material and methods: the total sample consisted of 834 individuals over 18 years of age - 206 Colombian migrants residing in Chile, 266 Colombians residing in Colombia, and 362 Chileans. A global food quality index survey was applied to categorize the healthiness of the participants' dietary patterns." - "Results: there were significant differences in all the ICGA scores analyzed regarding healthy foods, unhealthy foods, and mealtimes. It was observed that Colombians residing in Colombia have the highest score in the healthy classification, while Colombian migrants have the highest figures in the unhealthy condition. Regarding meal times, Chileans are the least compliant with meal times. However, other influences related to food groups stand out." - "Conclusion: it is necessary to delve deeper into variables linked to the sociodemographic context, analyze potential changes over time, and replicate in migrants of other nationalities to have more information on the relationship between food quality and the migration process."

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000754886800018 Not found in local WOS DB
Volumen: 38
Número: 6
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 1232
Página final: 1237


Notas: ISI