Mapuche Health Approach to Speech and Language Disorders in La Araucanía, Chile: Towards a Speech-Language Therapy with Intercultural Perspective Abordagem da saúde mapuche aos transtornos na área da fonoaudiologia na região de La Araucanía, Chile: rumo à fonoaudiologia em chave intercultural Aproximación desde la salud mapuche a los trastornos fonoaudiológicos en la Región de La Araucanía, Chile: Hacia una fonoaudiología en clave intercultural

Rodríguez Marconi, Daniel; Morales Cárdenas, Camilo; Lapierre Acevedo, Michelle; Contreras Reyes, Fabián; Elgueta Linares, Pedro; Risso Ríos, Claudio; Ulloa Ferrer, Claudia; Vidal Vásquez, Javier


The objective of this research is to investigate and discuss how Mapuche health approaches the health conditions that Speech-Language Therapy classifies as communication disorders, from a theoretical-epistemological approach that contemplates the training of health agents, the diagnostic process, the intercultural mapuche health system relationships, and the treatment of voice, hearing, swallowing, language and cognition disorders. Through a grounded theory design, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six Mapuche health agents, including four machi, one lawentuchefe, and one peumantufe. As results, three categories of analysis are obtained: kizukutrán (related to the training process of the health agent), kutrán (related to pathologies, disorders, diagnosis and treatment) and health system (related to the differences and relationships between the system mapuche and non-mapuche health). Mapuche traditional practitioners use medicinal plants, rituals and their own therapeutic resources to address pathologies in the area of speech therapy, and they are used independently or together with official medical health. The differences and coincidences of the Mapuche health approach to pathologies in the area of speech therapy are discussed, as well as the challenges of the profession to carry out respectful and ethical intercultural therapeutic practices.

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Título según SCOPUS: ID SCOPUS_ID:85147364686 Not found in local SCOPUS DB
Volumen: 21
Fecha de publicación: 2022
