Commentary and critical discussion on ‘Decarbonizing the Chilean Electric Power System: A Prospective Analysis of Alternative Carbon Emissions Policies’

Osorio-Aravena, Juan Carlos; Haas, Jannik; Aghahosseini, Arman; Breyer, Christian


This paper is a commentary on ‘Decarbonizing the Chilean Electric Power System: A Prospective Analysis of Alternative Carbon Emissions Policies’ –an article published by Babonneau et al. in the Energies Journal. On the one hand, our aim is to point out and discuss some issues detected in the article regarding the literature review, modelling methods and cost assumptions, and, on the other hand, to provide suggestions about the use of state-of-the-art methods in the field, transparent and updated cost assumptions, key technologies to consider, and the importance of designing 100% renewable multi-energy systems. Furthermore, we end by highlighting suggestions that are key to modelling 100% renewable energy systems in the scientific context to contribute to expanding the knowledge in the field.

Más información

Título según SCOPUS: ID SCOPUS_ID:85144010486 Not found in local SCOPUS DB
Título de la Revista: International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management
Volumen: 36
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Página de inicio: 11
Página final: 18
