The importance of mobile applications for companies' brand image: A study using structural equations

Mariano-Melo, Ari; Silva, Marcel Carneiro; Mariano Mello, Tarcilla; Santos, Maíra Rocha

Keywords: new technologies, mobile, devices applications brand, image organizations, PLS-SEM


Because of the advancement of new technologies and the popularity of mobile devices, this study was designed to identify whether apps have a representative influence on companies' brand image. To fulfill this objective, descriptive research based on the structural equation model was carried out with the help of the statistical software Adanco. The study was conducted in Brasilia and applied in a virtual environment in the Google forms platform. The link was made available and disseminated to students of one university and through the WhatsApp and Facebook social networks, having 350 mobile device users as participants. The questionnaire was validated with α=0.81. The results of this research suggest that applications can influence 30.5% of a brand's image, thus raising the discussion that mobile applications will soon have equal or even greater importance than a website and social networks, tools that were once trends and are now essential requirements for organizations. Thus, for a company to be successful, it must not only be seen as a company with high performance and quality standards, but it must also represent a solid brand with a good reputation in the market and create and cultivate an image that connects emotionally with its consumer public.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Procedia Computer Science
Volumen: 214
Editorial: Elsevier B.V.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Página de inicio: 1128
Página final: 1135
Idioma: English
Notas: Elsevier