Derecho a la ciencia en relación con los derechos de los pueblosindígenas. Consideraciones acerca de la jurisprudencia evolutivade la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos

Lecaros, Juan Alberto; López Gaete, Gonzalo

Keywords: jurisprudence, Inter-American Court, Rights of indigenous peoples, right to science, international biodiversity law


The Inter-American Court of Human Rights has developed extensive juris-prudence on the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples in which it has recognized the right of these peoples to collective property over land and traditional territory, through an extensive and evolutionary interpretation of the rights of the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR). We argue that the Court’s jurisprudence on indigenous rights leads to a strong connection with the human right to science and the relationship be-tween both rights can contribute to strengthening and expanding the evolutionary in-terpretation of the Inter-American Court.

Más información

Título de la Revista: BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto
Volumen: 2
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Página de inicio: 69
Página final: 79
Idioma: Español