Synchronic distribution of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum and yessotoxins in a high stratified fjord system: Tidal or light modulation?

Arratia, Carla


Protoceratium reticulatum is the main yessotoxin-producer along the Chilean coast. Thus far, the yessotoxin levels recorded in this region have not posed a serious threat to human health. However, a bloom of P. reticulatum during the austral summer of 2022 caused the first ban of shellfish collection, due to the high toxin levels. A bloom of P. reticulatum during the austral summer of 2020 allowed an evaluation of the fine-scale distribution of the dinoflagellate during a tidal cycle. High-resolution measurements of biophysical properties were carried out in mid-summer (February 18-19) at a fixed sampling station in Puyuhuapi Fjord, Chilean Patagonia, as part of an intensive 24-h biophysical experiment to monitor the circadian distributions of P. reticulatum vegetative cells and yessotoxins. High P. reticulatum cell densities (>20 x 10(3) cells L-1) were found in association with a warmer (14.5-15 degrees C) and estuarine (23.5-24.5 g kg(-1)) sub-surface water layer (6-8 m). P. reticulatum cell numbers and yessotoxins followed a synchronic distribution pattern consistent with the excursions of the pycnocline. Nevertheless, the surface aggregation of the cells was modulated by the light cycle, suggesting daily vertical migration. The yessotoxin content per P. reticulatum cell ranged from 9.4 to 52.2 pg. This study demonstrates both the value of fine-scale resolution measurements of biophysical properties in a highly stratified system and the potential ecosystem impact of P. reticulatum strains producing high levels of yessotoxins.

Más información

Título según WOS: Synchronic distribution of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum and yessotoxins in a high stratified fjord system: Tidal or light modulation?
Título de la Revista: HARMFUL ALGAE
Volumen: 135
Editorial: Elsevier
Fecha de publicación: 2024


Notas: ISI