Assessment of Exploitation Intensity of Commercial Species and Associated Benthic Communities, in Chilean Marine Management Areas of North Patagonia

Hamame, Madeleine; Ortiz, Paula


The Aysen region of Chile (North Patagonia), has had limited studies on the effectiveness of management and exploitation areas of benthic resources, and performance relative to open access areas in this region has never been evaluated. We evaluated seven management areas (MAs) and five open access areas (OAAs) between 43.9 degrees S and 45.2 degrees S for exploitation intensity of three commercial species (Concholepas concholepas, Loxechinus albus, and Ameghinomya antiqua) together with characterization of the benthic community. Indicators based on size, density and weight were used to evaluate exploitation intensity of commercial species. Associated benthic communities were evaluated considering density, species composition, and community structure. We found a high species richness and a community structure with low variability between MAs and OAAs. Low densities and small sizes classes of C. concholepas in most of the areas indicated high exploitation intensity in both MAs and OAAs. In this context, a permanent ban to harvest C. concholepas within OAAs may need to be reevaluated since with no enforcement and monitoring, the exploitation status of this species remains unclear in these areas. L. albus in most areas were absent in the harvestable sizes, which could be indicating high exploitation intensity in both regimes. High densities and small sizes of C. concholepas and L. albus in some MAs, indicated a potential recruitment zones which bears further investigation. A. antiqua, showed better conditions than other commercial species evaluated, with no significant differences in densities and size-based indicators when comparing OAAs and MAs. Benthic communities were dominated numerically by the Echinoidea class in both MAs and OAAs, with L. albus, Arbacia dufresnii and Pseudechinus magellanicus being the dominant species. High densities of sea urchins co-occurring with low coverage of macroalgae found in MAs-Gala could indicate that a sea urchin barren was dominant during the study period. On the other hand, high densities of Cosmasterias lurida, a predatory sea star, in conjunction with low densities of C. concholepas in most of the studied areas suggested that a shift in predator roles is occurring. No differences were estimated in terms of fisheries indicators and benthic community structure across the two management regimes, suggesting the poor performance of MAs in Aysen region. Our data also support the need to improve monitoring of MAs especially with respect to associated benthic community incorporating a broader spatial scale.

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Título según WOS: Assessment of Exploitation Intensity of Commercial Species and Associated Benthic Communities, in Chilean Marine Management Areas of North Patagonia
Volumen: 8
Fecha de publicación: 2022


Notas: ISI