The multiple environmentalities of conservation mapping in Patagonia-Aysen

Pablo Astaburuaga, Juan; Leszczynski, Agnieszka; Martin, Michael E.; Gaillard, J. C.


In this paper, we mobilise a multiple environmentalities framework that captures overlapping rationalities of governing nature to engage and identify the role of maps and mapping practices in Patagonia-Aysen, Chile, a peripheral region where government and institutional actors have embraced (eco)tourism as a conservation strategy in protected areas. Through interviews with key stakeholders situated in conservation and tourism institutions in both the public and private sector, we identify two dominant environmentalities at play in the relationship between protected area management and tourism development in Patagonia-Aysen: a neoliberal environmentality, which seeks to promote conservation through the commodification of nature as a tourism product, and an environmentality of truth predicated on a singular, pristine and beautiful nature as an object of conservation and advantage for tourism. Through an analysis of conservation maps and mapping rationalities specific to the Cerro Castillo protected area in Patagonia-Aysen, we trace how these multiple environmentalities are consolidated, rendered real and actionable through geovisualisations and cartographic practices. We argue that conservation maps and mapping emerge as an 'encounter point' wherein multiple environmentality strategies and rationalities converge, producing a form of governing the spaces of conservation - what we term a spatial environmentality - rooted in neoliberal and aesthetic logics. Spatial environmentality, we contend, constitutes a form of governing conservation spaces by inscribing and assigning (in)appropiate uses to nature that operationalises institutional interests in conditioning the active engagement of 'environment subjects' to control, administer, and take care of the spaces of conservation while in turn making environmental stewardship profitable.

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Fecha de publicación: 2022
