Open-Pit Pushback Optimization by a Parallel Genetic Algorithm

Navarro, Felipe; Morales, Nelson; Diep, Pham Ngoc; Rey, Carlos; Parada, Victor


Determining the design of pushbacks in an open-pit mine is a key part of optimizing the economic value of the mining project and the operational feasibility of the mine. This problem requires balancing pushbacks that have good geometric properties to ensure the smooth operation of the mining equipment and so that the scheduling of extraction maximizes the economic value by providing early access to the rich parts of the deposit. However, because of the challenging nature of the problem, practical approaches for finding the best pushbacks strongly depend on the expert criteria to ensure good operational properties. This paper introduces the Advanced Geometrically Constrained Production Scheduling Problem to account for operational space constraints, modeled as truncated cones of extraction. To find the best solution for this problem, we present a parallel genetic algorithm based on a genotype–phenotype model such that the genotype symbolizes the base block of a truncated cone, and the phenotype represents the cone itself. A central computer node evaluates these solutions, collaborating with various secondary nodes that evolve a population of feasible solutions. The PGA’s efficacy was validated using comprehensive test instances from established research. The PGA solution exhibited a consistent average copper grade across periods, with its incremental phases reflecting real-world mine geometry. Moreover, the benefits of the MeanShift clustering technique were evident, suggesting effective phase-based scheduling. The PGA’s approach ensures optimal resource utilization and offers insights into potential avenues for further model enhancements and fine-tuning.

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Título de la Revista: Minerals
Volumen: 14
Editorial: MDPI
Fecha de publicación: 2024
