Correlational study of clinical history genre: A multidimensional and interdisciplinary analysis Estudio correlacional del género ficha clínica Un análisis multidimensional e interdisciplinario

Gladic Miralles, Jadranka; Lillo-Fuentes, Fernando; Velasco, Erlantz; SILVA-ROSAS, CARLOS RICARDO


Our aim is to relate the linguistic features, the linguistic-discursive quality, the disciplinary evaluation and the perception of self-efficacy in writing of the genre Clinical History. In this correlational study, a corpus of 52 Clinical produced by medical students from a Chilean university. The participants answered a self-efficacy perception questionnaire. For disciplinary evaluation, the grades given to the text given by doctors-teachers was considered. For the analysis of linguistic-discursive quality, a specific instrument was designed and validated (Rubric for Evaluating the Linguistic-Discursive Quality of Disciplinary Texts in Medicine). The results show statistically significant correlations between the evaluation carried out by the doctors and the linguistic-discursive quality. The perception of self-efficacy is not correlated with any of these variables. The research represents an important advance in the description of the Medical History as a genre from a multidimensional and a interdisciplinary perspective.

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Título según SCOPUS: ID SCOPUS_ID:85188186251 Not found in local SCOPUS DB
Título de la Revista: Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada
Volumen: 37
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Página de inicio: 720
Página final: 746
