Microencapsulation of black carrot extract: Effect of encapsulation efficiency and accelerated stability.

Vergara, H., Cristina; Pino, María Teresa; Zamora, Olga; Alvarez, Francisco

Keywords: microencapsulation, black carrot, accelerated stability.


Microencapsulation of Black carrot extract: effect of encapsulation efficiency and accelerated stability Cristina Vergara1; María Teresa Pino1; Olga Zamora1; Francisco Alvarez1. 1 Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA La Platina, Santa Rosa 11610, Santiago, Chile. Black-carrot (Daucus carota L.) is rich in anthocyanins (AT), the main AT correspond to Cyanidins derivatives. The interest in AT is related to the color capacity and prevention of diseases associated with oxidative stress, attributed to its antioxidant activity. However, they are susceptible to degradation by environmental conditions (light, oxygen, water, and temperature) and food conditions (pH, enzymes and other components). The work aim was to study the effect of microencapsulation of cyanidins extract from black-carrot on the encapsulation efficiency (EE) and accelerated stability. Cyanidins extract (CE) was obtained by juice extraction and then concentration to 65ºBrix. CE microencapsulation of CE with maltodextrin (MD) by spray-drying was performed applying Central Composite experimental design. The air inlet temperature (100–180°C) and CE:MD ratio (1:0,5 – 1:2) were evaluated as independent variables. AT encapsulation efficiency (EE) and yield (Y) were the response variables. A linear regression analysis was applied to each response variable, and then Response Surface Methodology was used to determine the optimal conditions maximizing responses variables using desirability function. The accelerated stability was performed at 60ºC. The AT EE and Y ranged from 70 to 98% and 30 to 80%, respectively. Microparticles obtained under optimal condition were characterized according to EE, aw, moisture, hygroscopicity, solubility, AT content, AT profile, antioxidant activity (FRAP). Microparticles morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The accelerated stability of AT was significantly higher for AT encapsulated than non-encapsulated. The CE-microparticles can be used as colorant in the food industry, including confectionery, ice cream, dairy, non-alcoholic beverages and others.

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Fecha de publicación: 2021
Año de Inicio/Término: 19-20 OCT. 2021
Idioma: INGLÉS
URL: https://assets.ctfassets.net/o78em1y1w4i4/5YqnhrsoSgURjCjZfWjEcW/dabafe41ba039f094a047d5e751c57b7/2021-FSFFS-Program.pdf
Notas: Vergara, C., Pino, MT., Zamora. O., Alvarez, F. 2021. Microencapsulation of black carrot extract: Effect of encapsulation efficiency and accelerated stability. 4to Food Structure and Functionality Symposium . versión online. https://assets.ctfassets.net/o78em1y1w4i4/5YqnhrsoSgURjCjZfWjEcW/dabafe41ba039f094a047d5e751c57b7/2021-FSFFS-Program.pdf