Brief mindfulness, mental health, and cognitive processes: A randomized controlled trial

Cerna, Cristian; García Martínez, Felipe E.; Tellez, A.


The present study evaluated the impact of a brief mindfulness training program on emotional regulation, cognitive rumination, psychological well-being, and depressive symptoms. This is an experimental study, through a randomized controlled trial. A total of 103 people enrolled on a voluntary basis, of whom 51 were randomly selected to participate in the experimental group and 52 in the control group without intervention (on the waiting list). It is established that a brief, four-session mindfulness training program significantly increases psychological well-being and significantly reduces the symptoms associated with depression; there was a decrease in emotional suppression and in intrusive and deliberate rumination, and an increase in cognitive reappraisal. Implications of this brief mindfulness program on the symptoms associated with depression, psychological well-being, emotional regulation, and cognitive rumination are analyzed, as are the scope and limitations of the study.

Más información

Título según WOS: Brief mindfulness, mental health, and cognitive processes: A randomized controlled trial
Título según SCOPUS: Brief mindfulness, mental health, and cognitive processes: A randomized controlled trial
Título de la Revista: PsyCh Journal
Volumen: 9
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página de inicio: 359
Página final: 369
