Adapt-ORE: A Simulation Tool for Adaptive Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Renewable Energy Farms
Keywords: Discrete event-simulation, Offshore operations, Operational limits, Operations and Maintenance, Site accessibility
OPERATION and maintenance (O&M) are a fundamental aspect to study in ORE projects, due to the high economic costs involved and challenging sea conditions restricting the completion of maintenance tasks. Reference [1] shows that O&M costs exceed 20% of overall costs of offshore wind projects and according to [2] it could reach 31% in floating wind farms. Chile is considered one of the countries with the greatest potential for the development of offshore renewable energy (ORE), particularly wave, tidal and offshore floating wind power. These three types of generation, with different characteristics and maturity levels, present scientific and technological challenges that must be addressed by industrial innovation processes, together with research and development. To accelerate the implementation of ORE in Chile, it is necessary to analyse different scenarios and local capabilities, proposing innovative technical solutions, identifying risks, and increasing economic competitiveness. In order to have a tool that supports strategic decisions through the calculation of key performance indicators and life-cycle cost analysis of an ORE project, a discrete-event simulation (DES) model is being developed. This tool, called Adapt-ORE, allows to compare different sites, technologies, vessels, and maintenance strategies for identifying risks and opportunities in our country and Latin America.
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Fecha de publicación: | 2024 |
Año de Inicio/Término: | 22-24/01/2024 |
Idioma: | English |