Socially stratified associations between self-employment and health among Chilean older people

Budnevich-Portales, Carlos


Non-standard forms of employment, such as self-employment, are among the most prevalent routes for older people to access the workforce. While the financial benefits of any form of self-employment in later life have been widely acknowledged, less is known about their impact on health. This study explores the association between self-employment and 16 health outcomes among older people with different social stratification characteristics in Chile, a developing country experiencing rapid population ageing. We rely on a rich representative life history survey of Chilean men and women between the ages 65 and 75 years (N = 802) living in the capital Santiago, weighted sequence analysis to reconstruct employment histories and weighted regression analysis to measure the association between self-employment and health in later life. All our analyses are adjusted by both individual lifetime health indicators and employment trajectories. Our results show that being self-employed relative to not working is positively associated with health in seven out of 16 outcomes. More surprisingly, those in a self-employment position seem to enjoy better health outcomes, particularly among the less educated and lower-income levels. These stratified associations raise questions about how these individuals enjoy better health despite facing adverse social conditions.

Más información

Título según WOS: Socially stratified associations between self-employment and health among Chilean older people
Volumen: 45
Número: 3
Editorial: Wiley
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 580
Página final: 604


Notas: ISI