Asymmetrical 17-Level Inverter Topology With Reduced Total Standing Voltage and Device Count

Ayob, Shahrin Bin Md; Nadeem, Abdul


Voltage source Multilevel Inverters (MLIs) are vital components for medium voltage and high-power applications due to their advantages like modularity and better power quality. However, the number of components used is significant. In this paper, an improved asymmetrical multilevel inverter topology is proposed producing 17-levels output voltage utilizing two dc sources. The circuit is developed to reduce the number of isolated dc-sources used without reducing output levels. The circuit utilizes six two-quadrant switches, three four-quadrant switches and four capacitors. The capacitors are self-balancing and do not require extra attention, i.e. the control system is simple for the proposed MLI. Detailed analysis of the topology under linear and non-linear loading conditions is carried out. Comparison with other similar topologies shows that the proposed topology is superior in device count, power quality, Total Standing Voltage (TSV), and cost factor. The performance of the topology is validated for different load conditions through MATLAB/Simulink environment and the prototype developed in the laboratory. Furthermore, thermal analysis of the circuit is done, and the losses are calculated via PLECS software. The topology offers a total harmonic distortion (THD) of 4.79% in the output voltage, with all the lower order harmonics being less than 5% complying with the IEEE standards.

Más información

Título según WOS: Asymmetrical 17-Level Inverter Topology With Reduced Total Standing Voltage and Device Count
Título de la Revista: IEEE ACCESS
Volumen: 9
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 69710
Página final: 69723


Notas: ISI